Saturday, July 25, 2009

Today's Sketches

These sketches were done during my breaks at work today. Just playing around with character faces, trying to push my designs farther with lines and shapes.

Some more sketches...

Here's another sketch that did afterwards of character heads, just playing around with lines and shapes in side and 3/4 views.

Rough Sketches

Here's some rough sketches that I did other day to get my imagination working. Sometimes I just keeping working on top of images that I already done until something clicks.

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Rough Slippery Run Animation Test

Her's a test that I am working on right now. This is the first part of it. Its in the rough stages.

Demo Reel 2009

Here's the demo reel that i did for the CG Con '09 job fair

Friday, July 3, 2009

Slow Sneak Test

It's been a while...

Hey there my fellow friends and artists,

Sorry about the long delayed in posting new content on here. The last year and a half was a very rough time for me especially with my Dad being very sick and a lot other shit that was going on at the same time. So I wasn’t able to focus on my artistic studies as I would have like to and I kind of fell off the path that I was traveling on. That being said, I have finally found the path again that I was originally taking and have been pushing myself since February to try to achieve my dream of landing an animation position in a studio. Looking back at what I have done, I can tell you that my animation has improve a lot than ever before. So hopefully now, I will be able to show you what I have been working on without any more delays and be able to keep updating weekly on this blog. Anyways, I gotta get back to my animation work. Keep checking back weekly for new updates. Buh bye for now. Cheers!

--Richard Myers (aspiring animator)